Bill of Materials in an Excel file with Amounts and lengths.
A folder with all the STL files of the 3D printed parts of the machine.
A link to the source Fusion360, includes the entire Fusion360 model that can be downloaded and modified.
Readme file with extra information, print orientation and settings, extrusions, options...
The working area is approximately 225x325 (235x325 without the vacuum attachment).
The gantry can clear up to approximately 85 mm tall stock.
The router can travel up to approximately 60 mm.
This is a DIY project and it is meant to be built following the complete 3D assembly, all the missing measurements can be done there, I used that very same 3D model to double check everything during the build.
The video will show you the assembly order for all the parts and the 3D model will show you where goes where but I cannot guarantee that you will be able to duplicate my results.
Due to safety concerns no electrical/electronic info is provided, just guidance. There's plenty of information about how to wire a CNC shield and a router online.
Please be safe, I assume that you have some basic safety training and skills to carry out this project. Your tools and workshop will be different from mine so consider these files as a guide only.
The machine cost me 690€ to build but that does not mean that's what is going to be possible for everyone, yours may end up being more expensive, even a lot more expensive.
In most videos many people ask me for the files so I take the extra effort to make the BOM and add all the hardware to the 3D model.
This is not a guarantee that you'll end up with a functional CNC Router if you buy these files.
There's no guarantee that you will be able to source the same components I used in this build.
These files are sold as they are, there are no extra services associated with them.
There's no support included in this files. None. I will not reply to any questions or help you solve any issues with this build as it is impossible for me to do it for every person that buys the files. There's a link to a discord channel for the people that are attempting this build to share progress and troubles.
If you wan't to build this CNC router as a production unit, don't. This is not it, this is a hobby project.