STL Files for:
- The blocks up to 20 Holes in Standard, Half and Quarter heights.
-The Screws up to 5 blocks in length.
- Nuts, spacers...
- The connector blocks
- The excavator ad-hoc blocks
- A few different plates in the three heights
- The blocks for the servos
The sources for all the files exportable to different formats and parametric in Fusion360.
Readme file with extra information, print orientation and settings...
PLEASE NOTE: You'll need a printer big enough to print the blocks that you want to use. Some of the larger blocks are up to 720 mm in length although not even I have used those. Up to 6 holes in length can be printed in a 200x200 mm printer bed.
In most videos many people ask me for the files so I take the extra effort to make them available with the sources included.
This is not a guarantee that you'll end up building the same machine as I did in the video.
The blocks use 21x15x4 bearings. Please make sure you can get those beforehand.
These files are sold as they are, there are no extra services associated with them.
There's no support included in this files. None. I will not reply to any questions or help you solve any issues with these files as it is impossible for me to do it for every person that buys the files. There's a link to a discord channel for the people that got these same files to share progress and troubles.
These files are meant to be used to experiment and play with the blocks not to replicate the excavator I've built in the video. The excavator design in the video is too weak and complicated so I encourage you to create your own designs.